54″ Root Rake Clam Grapple Attachment Fits Bobcat MT Mini Skid Steer


This is the 54″ heavy duty root rake grapple attachment designed for Bobcat MT mini skid steer wheel and track loaders. This dual cylinder model features separate tongs to grab and hold uneven loads. This model features the Bobcat MT mounting system designed for Bobcat MT50 MT52 MT55 453 463 and S70 loaders.

Weight – 375 Pounds
Cylinder – 2″ Bore x 8″ Stroke
Made of A36 steel
3/8″ Thick Tines
Grapple Opening – 32” wide
Powder Coated Black Paint
Comes Complete with Hydraulic Hoses and 1/2″ Flat Face Couplers with 90 degree fittings

Made in the U.S.!

Please feel free to contact us with any questions!

Note: This will NOT fit the mini skid steer or ASV RC30 mounting systems.

4 in stock